My Literary Genes
July 28, 2010
I’ve written before about my literary claim to fame: I’m slightly related to Ralph Waldo Emerson, through my great-great-grandmother Anne Emerson.
While I know that Anne was Ralphs third cousin once removed, Im not exactly sure what that makes me. Genealogy isnt exactly my area of expertise.
Thats why Im loving the relationship in Wolfram|Alpha. I entered the information I knew, and got a lovely chart that made everything clear:
Depending upon how I described the relationship, Im Emersons 4th cousin 3 times removed or his 3rd cousin 5 times removed.
Either way, it appears that I share a 1/8192, or 0.012207%, blood relationship. We share a 13th degree of kinship, which apparently means Im free to marry him or serve on a jury considering his fate. I dont think either of those situations is likely to arise. But enough of my poetic cousin.
The relationship query in Wolfram|Alpha could be used in the classroom to help clarify family relationship students read about as well. If youre reading Faulkner, you may well need complete family trees. If youre just trying to explain third cousins, this may be just what you need.