Comp/Rhet Blogs
This blogroll cannot possibly list every blog ever posted. I used a few guidelines as I collected the links:
If your blog fits the criteria and I missed it, please send me a message via Twitter or Facebook, and I’ll add your site. List last updated midnight, 05/15/11. |
Comp/Rhet Teachers
- 5000 (Brian J. McNely)
- academic sandbox (Julie Meloni)
- Acomposing (Damian Koshnick)
- Aesthetically Good (Aimée Knight)
- against multiphrenia (James Schirmer)
- American Airspace (Michael Bérubé)
- Bill Degenaro
- blogos (Deborah Hawhee)
- cbd (Bradley Dilger)
- Clay Spinuzzi
- A Collage of Citations (Michael J. Faris)
- College Ready Writing (Lee Elaine Skallerup)
- Collin vs. Blog (Collin Brooke)
- Composing Spaces (Bill Wolff)
- Confessions of an Aca/Fan (Henry Jenkins)
- Confessions of a Community College Dean
- Culture Cat (Clancy Ratliff)
- Cyberdash (Charlie Lowe)
- Dan Anderson, Writing Pusher
- diapsalmata (Whitney Ttrettien)
- Digital Bibliography (Ryan Trauman)
- Digital Digs (Alex Reid)
- Digital Sextant (Brendan Riley)
- Digital Writing Collaborative @ Miami University
- Dr. B’s Blog (Samantha Blackmon)
- Earth Wide Moth (Derek Mueller)
- Eastcoast-Westcoast (Eileen Schell)
- et al. (Christina LaVecchia)
- The Forgotten Canon (Kathie Gossett)
- Free to Write (Jim Sullivan)
- Hyperreal Blogging (Alex Hosterman)
- In My Idiom (Joe Harris)
- Information Aesthetics (Andrew Vande Moere)
- Insignificant Wranglings (Marc Santos)
- Intent/Effect (Meagan Rodgers)
- Investigating Writing Program Assessment (Christina LaVecchia)
- Jerz’s Literacy Weblog (Dennis Jerz)
- jill/txt (Jill Walker Rettberg)
- kind of . . . (Bonnie Lenore Kyburz)
- Lance Strate’s Blog Time Passing
- Listening to Repeating (Jentery Sayers)
- Machina Memorialis (John Walter)
- Matthew G. Kirschenbaum
- Media Praxis
- Metaspencer (Spencer Schaffner)
- Metawriting (Deanna Mascle)
- Nels Highberg
- Pure_Sophist_Monster (Nathaniel A. River)
- Pennies in a Jar (Nels Highberg)
- PhD.umpingGround ( Christopher Andrews)
- Planned Obsolescence (Kathleen Fitzpatrick)
- Post Position (Nick Montfort)
- Repurposed
- Rhetorica (Andres R. Cline)
- Steven D. Krause
- Technoliteracy (Mark Crane)
- Techsophist (Lanette Cadle)
- Tengrrl (Traci Gardner)
- Transmedia Me (Kyle Stedman)
- Virtualpolitik (Elizabeth Losh)
- Vitia (Mike Edwards)
- The Web of Language (Dennis Baron)
- Weblogg-ed (Will Richardson)
- WorkBook (George H. Williams)
- Working Notes (Mike Johnduff)
- workspace (Johndan Johnson-Eilola)
- Writers on Process (Benjamin Opipari)
- Yellow Dog (Jeff Rice)
Professional Resources
- APA Style Blog
- Bedford Bits
- Blogora
- Brainstorm
- College Bound
- Composition Forum
- Digital Tweed
- Grammar Girl
- HackCollege
- Harlot
- if:book
- Inside Higher Ed
- Kairosnews
- Literary Babel Fish
- NCTE Inbox Blog
- PageView
- ProfHacker
- ReadWriteWeb
- Technology and Learning
- Text Patterns, from The New Atlantis
- The Ticker
- University Diaries
- University of Venus
- Viz. Visual Rhetoric, Visual Culture, Pedagogy
- Wired Campus