About Traci
I’m Traci Gardner, an instructor in the Department of English at Virginia Tech. This website brings together my blogs, educational materials, and hobbies. It’s impossible to share everything about myself on one page, but this List of Ten will tell you a lot.
Traci . . .
- is known as “tengrrl” on most online networks.
- wrote Designing Writing Assignments (NCTE, 2008).
- writes lesson plans, classroom resources, and professional development materials.
- worked at NCTE for 9 years, serving in 3 different positions–online publications developer, online content developer, and web manager.
- was the editor of the “Ideas” section of NCTE’s INBOX and of the NCTE INBOX Blog until November 2008.
- taught writing and literature at Virginia Tech.
- chaired the CCCC Committee on Computers in Composition and Communication.
- edited the Engaging Media-Savvy Students Topical Resource Kit.
- published articles in English Journal, Classroom Notes Plus, and California English.
- loves poodles, especially cute little ones.
Additional Information
You can download my vita and teaching statement for more details on my work. If you need any additional information, you can email me at tengrrl at tengrrl dot com. Send postal mail to Traci Gardner, P.O. Box 11836, Blacksburg, VA 24062-1836.