Happy Christmas!

Ugly Christmas SweaterIt’s a slow day for educational news, with the U.S. on winter break, so in lieu of news, I’d like to share my Ugly Christmas Sweater greeting card.

It’s part of a 25 Holiday Cards Challenge I tried this year. You can find details on how I made it in My Digital Studio and the other 24 cards on my Cardmaking blog. Happy Christmas everyone!

Christmas Ornaments.

Took my trip to the Hallmark Holiday Open House this morning, and got 4 additional ornaments:

Hallmark ornaments

Plus I had a gift certificate that if I spent enough (which I did) I got a free gift bag of goodies:

Hallmark ornaments

Left to right, that’s a penguin treat bowl with a little ladle. I’m thinking I’ll fill it with M&M’s and put it on my desk at work. There’s a 2007 porcelain bell (not sure what I’ll do with that), a snowman snowflake ornament (very cute), and a reindeer ornament. Yes, I know it’s too early for Christmas, but these are all limited edition things. Gotta go when they come out or you can’t get them.

Beyond that I ran some very mundane errands—socks, toothpaste, and shampoo & conditioner. Got a really interesting blogging book at Borders too, but I’ll leave that review for later when I’ve read a bit more of it.

Halloween 2007

I’m not sure that I should put this online, but I’m trying to be brave. Here’s the Marketing/Professional Development Ensemble costume. We won the office competition :)


For the video to make sense,
you also have to know about the
children’s book
Duck for President

Duck has been a running gag for years now. Halloween 2004 the Professional Development team actually dressed up as Duck’s presidential campaign team (I was having severe back problems and had to be wheeled in on a cart). I had secret service and a protester in the crowd. I had spent that fall campaigning for duck on our office window, posting Duck’s cabinet choices and other entertaining political messages (Duck’s stale campaign blog). It’s about time for Duck to get on with his ’08 campaign.