The Fifth C: Computers, Special Interest Group Session, CCCC 1998

Special Interest Group, SG1.8, CCCC, 49th Annual Conference,Chicago. Palmer House Hilton/Salon III, 3rd Floor. 2 April 1998.

Sponsored by the CCCC Committee on Computers in Composition andCommunication

Co Chairs:

[1995, Washington][1996, Milwaukee][1997, Phoenix] [1998,Chicago]

Session Report for the 1998 SIG

The 5th C SIG meeting focused on a response toCynthia Selfe's keynoteaddress at the opening session of the CCCC. Thesession handout outlined issuesraised in Cindy's paper and proposed three discussion areas. Thosepresent divided into groups, brainstormed, and then reported back tothe session as a whole. The responses below will informa sense-of-the-house motion to bepresented at the CCCC General Business meeting on Saturday, April 4,1998, and fuel the creation of a specific professional stance ontechnology initiatives. To discuss the issues raised in this report,please join the online discussion in theCCCC online forumassociated with the keynote address.

traci gardner

Group 1

How should such literacy monies be spent in English compositionprograms? What kinds of literacy and technology projects should befunded? What guidelines can we suggest to ensure that money is spenton a wide range of literacy values and practices?

Because of the number of people, this group divided into twosmaller groups.

Group 1-A
How spend it? What money?

What projects?


Group 1-A

Jump to Group Transcript
We recommend people sponsor projects that involve collaboration between education and community using technology to support cooperation (that in fact seems popoular among grantors), that we learn from the service learning movement and its literature. that we discover cost-effective means of outreach and community building, and find support for community building that will persist beyond specific project boundaries by lobbying locally for structural change, educate about cost effective outreach. know the budget cycles of whoever has the money we want.
Group 2
How should excellence be gauged in such literacy projects? What outcomes should these projects have as goals? How should outcomes be assessed and shared?


Group 3
How do we address the serious need for professional development and support for teachers within the context of the project? How can we ensure that teachers get the support which they need? What guidelines can we suggest to help project planners make sure teachers and students are able to benefit from these projects?

Because of the number of people, this group divided into two smaller groups.

Group 3-A

Group 3-B

We believe
  1. That as educators we need to get up to speed so that we can teach others;
  2. That we need professional development -- hardware and software trainings, critical consciousness of technology -- what it does to, and for, people;
  3. That we need professional development in the integration of technology into our teaching;
  4. That our institutions' budgets should spend twice what they spend on equipment and depreciation on training and support staff;
  5. That funding for technology must come from new sources -- not at the expense of teaching staff, school lunch programs, or any social support services.