The Politics of Technology:
How Working with Technology Affects Promotion and Tenure
A Roundtable Sponsored by the Instructional Technology Committee

Discussion Questions

Why does the academy ususally decline to reward work that includes technology? What *kinds* of work with technology should be valued by the academy? How do we go about winning legitimacy and reward for those efforts?

Specifically, how can promotion and tenure decisions include work in the following areas:

  1. Writing, Editing, Management of Computer Communication Resources

  2. Teaching with Computer Technology

  3. Administration of computer labs

  4. Technical Support

  5. Writing Software Programs

  6. Developing Hypertext Documents and other non-print 'documents'

  7. Participation in Computers & Writing Professional Organizations & Conferences
In short, what should we put on our vitae, what should be valued, and how should it be valued by others?